【敬拜讚美500系列】第九集早就是暢銷的明星商品,還沒有用過的這邊介紹一下,【敬拜讚美500系列】第九集吸引我的最大因素,除了好用之外,我覺得它的CP值高到破錶了呀! 【敬拜讚美500系列】第九集更多詳細的資訊這邊請:
※每首詩歌皆用不同方式重新詮釋帶出永恆完美的福音傳承 點燃我們對父神的敬拜之火
五百套裝系列收錄了全球多達500首最受歡迎的詩歌,每首歌都用不同的方式詮釋出永恆完美的福音傳承,激動我們的心,點燃我們對 神的敬拜,讓靈裡對 神的尊崇與渴慕由然發生,完全降服在父神寶座前。
Disc 1
1Light has dawned
2The Lord has led forth
3O for a thousand tongues
4More than oxygen
5God is our strength
6Th crucible for silver
7It is the cry of my heart
8A new commandment
9Lord you put a toungue
10God of mercy
11Jesus is greater
12Good news good news to you we bring
13O Lord all the World belongs to you
14I know the place
15From the squalor of a borrowed stable
16Lord make me an instrument
Disc 2
1. Beautiful Ord Wonderful Saviour (the Potter's Hand)
2. I Lift My Eyes To The Quiet Hills
3. Love Beyond Measure
4. Where There Once Was Only Hurt (Mourning Into Dancing)
5. My Peace
6. The Earth Was Dark (lights To The World)
7. As We Seek Your Face
8. Praise You Lord
9.Safe in the shadow of the Lord
10.Give me oil in my lamp
11.O God most high
12.This is holy ground
13.There's a time
14.I sing praise to your name
15.Is it true today
16.With my whole heart
Disc 3
1 In the secret
2 We are a chosen people
3 Here is the Risen Son
4 We seek your face
5 Say the word
6 Is anyone thirsty
7 Look to the skies
8 God will make a way
9 Called to a battle
10 You are the Soveriegn I AM
11 Peace perfect peace
12 The light of Christ
13 Lord make me a mountain
14 How long
15 My heart is filled with thankfulness
16 I want to walk with Jesus Christ
17 You have shown me
18 Every move I make
【菲詩愛爾】佛羅倫斯香氛80ml-櫻花(AR600A) ![]() |
【菲詩愛爾】星語香氛50ml-青竹蘋果(AR300C) ![]() |
【菲詩愛爾】星語香氛50ml-櫻花(AR300A) ![]() |
【菲詩愛爾】春之雪香氛35ml-檸檬草鼠尾草(AR200I) ![]() |
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